Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Hello ladies and gens, today we’re going to talk about a social media site that lots of people like to enjoy posting picture. That social media site is called INSTAGRAM! Lots of young teen’s adults and even children like to post selfie and now older generation is doing it too time to time. This site will give you the opportunity to show your outer beauty to everyone one and see everyone else beauty. This also lets you share the activities, what you do etc.. Whatever you can take a picture of you can post it. You can also post a comment of a quote or something is on your mind with the picture, you also can put# that say something and then more than your followers can see that picture. Other people have the option to comment on your picture and also if you follow them and they follow you, you guys can message each other privately. Instagram has followers and people you can follow and you can get a double tap from people saying they like your picture. This app is a good one to past time and look what other people are doing. To be honest in my opining this great app but also is very bad for people. This gives people a mindset like I am not pretty or handsome because I don’t get a ton of likes or followers. Also lots of people get insecure even though they know there pretty if they get like 200 likes on 1 post and they post another one later and only have 150 likes people will repost the picture so they can get more likes than there previous or they feel like they look ugly in it. Also with comments lots of will comment from before but there wouldn’t be as much the next time and they feel ugly from that. All I have to say is this doesn’t define the beauty or internal beauty in you. Everyone is different and everyone has their own beauty. But instagram can share that too so it’s pretty good for that.


  1. I do not have instagram but i have friends that have it. It is a very good thing if you use it correctly, meaning you do not post inapropriate pictures. Some people end up getting bullied on sociol media so we better be careful about what we post on the internet. Greta blog, keep it up.

  2. yeah I believe what you are saying 100% because lots of people now a days people does'nt use social media sites properly and are rude to one another on social media or psot something that should'nt be post well thank you for reading my blog

  3. I love instagram! It keeps me updated with the world and everything that is happening around me. I love how its worldwide and I can always talk to relatives over seas on there. Great Blog!
