Friday 19 September 2014

Social Media

Social media is used everyday, you see children, teenagers, adults and some grandparents using it now a days. It has so many social media site in the world. It's crazy to see what is yet to come and be the next best thing. How ever, the sites that are the most popular in the world right now are as follow;- Facebook  with 900 million, - Twitter 310 million,  - Linked In with 255 million, - Interest with 250 million - Google+ with 120 million...this is the URL address from where I have received my statistics The real questions is if social media is taking over our lives... In my opinion, I believe that it will give you opportunity's and also lower your opportunity's. The reason why I believe that it could give you opportunity's in your life is because it could benefit you to get noticed for college and/or university, it helps people advertise for there job. Also it helps police track criminals across the world. When people are missing it helps get the word out if you've seen them or not, it helps you keep a social life with your friends and family who do not live close to you. It can help benefit for people that don't know the answer to something. Social media helps raise awareness for sickness. Social media helps you know the stuff you didn't know before and some stuff it helps you with . Also it can have some cons about social media. They have people who are good at hacking people on social media and there have a lot of people who are not good out there who can really hurt you in real life and find all your information and track you down and find you in real life.Cyberbullying can take place on social media sites such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and Instagram. I have heard of people getting in big trouble for bullying people on the web. You have to be careful on what you say on social media because if one day you go for a job and you had bully or got in a fight or used language that they do not like you won't get that job. Social media has lots of problems with cyber bullying, it has lots of death because people committing suicide because someone had post something and kept abusing them on social media . For example I have seen on the news about this girl named Amanda Todd who had took her own life because of the the stuff what have been posted on social media.  Its sad to hear that all everyone does is go on social media, no one goes outside a lot with there friends don't have conversation with there friends, some people don't even know how to interact with people in personnel because they are so use to talking to them behind a screen. Kids now a days only stay on social they don't even go outside really to play or go get there friends and go to the park, make up games play sports . I remember when i was younger I was outside doing whatever I could think of to stay outside and do activities. Now a days you hardly see kids running around at the parks with there friends , now a days there texting  each other when there beside each other hanging out or on there phone the hole time they're hanging out. Social media change us for the better but also for the worst . Written by Dershahn


  1. I believe that you are right. You could get opprotunites and also ruin your chances on social media sites. People know a days don't understand how people from jobs look on your social media sites to see how you are with other people. They're not gonna higher someone with a bad attitude and who is rude toards people. I love how you also out the positive out come about social media also, it could give you opprotunites in life. Good job on writting this blog you did a fantastic job keep it up.

  2. I've always been passiante about the way social media is taking over the world these days. In the past decade, we've made facebook, twitter, we've mastered the internet and we've made it possible to communicate with someone 6000 miles away within the blink of an eye. Though these are all pretty great things, I fear that soon enough, they will be all that consiats of our lives. We should be giving each other our love, not our like. Thanks for the post dersh. :)

  3. Great blog Dershahn! I agree with you and I also think its pretty sad that everything is done over social media. Some teenagers go to hang out with their friends but stay on their phone the whole time or the only thing they're worried about is taking pictures and posting them online. I think these people should stop worrying about what people think and about having fun with their loved ones.

  4. I see your point, social media is really taking over society these days. I liked reading about the pros and cons of your post because I never took the time and thought about how social media has a positive effect, I always thought about the cons of social media only. I am going to enjoy reading more on social media on your blog. I found it really interesting!

  5. This blog is nice. I also think that Social Medea has made our much easier. We can communicate with our relatives or friends that live far form us by using Skype, face time and more. But just like everything else, Social Medea has some disadvantages.

  6. Dershahn, social media is a powerful tool and great resource where you can do many things very quickly and is easy too use. However, many people don't realize that social media can consume you and completely take over your life kids are always on their phones or their computers for hours on end and don't realize how dependent they've become and it can ruin their future because some people don't even bother to do school work and it has become an issue.

  7. Yes noah they're a bunch of new socail media sites out there and I can opnly imaging what is gonna come next and also it's great that we can message someone from so far away at a blink of an eye and yes we might be missing great oppotunitys out there if people keep on sitting down and going on socail media all the time but also can get some

  8. Giselle, I appriciate that you read my blog and I am glad that you liked my blog it makes it much easier for the use to find things and make things much easier for us because socail media has bunch of stuff out there
