Monday 20 October 2014

Hello my fellow bloggers today I am going to talk about one of the best known sites Google. Google is a great site to use when it comes to something you do not know. Google can help you on how to cook something, help you with your history on people back in the day, how to do something, pretty much anything you ask google will basically find it. The one thing about Google is that it could have a lot of flues things on google, you can not trust everything it says but if you look and research you could find the right information. Google is great tool for people in school, it could help you when you don't understand something in one of your unites in school. But are kids abusing it? I believe that some kids do instead of kids reading a book they go on google and they ask for a summary of the book and don't put in the effort to read the books.They will not know how to read and also in chapter they will have new words and when your reading a book you're gonna have new knowledge. Some of the kids these days go on Google and copy paste and just put it on the plane piece of paper and say that they did it all by themselves instead of putting their own ideas on the paper. Because they think it's easier to use other people's work and do your own, and that's not right because they're letting like tackle  them and they're not tackling life. All and all Google is a great tool to use for information to know were to get to a destination, find recipe for cookie help you in homework. Google is like a teacher with you when you need something when your teacher does not know or when he or she is not there to help you. Google has other sites like Gmail, google+ etc..... well that is all for my blog today I really hope you had enjoyed it thank you


  1. I strongly agree with you when you say that you can ask Google any question and they'll answer you because when ever im having a hard time with my homework or i just have a question out of curiosity i just go on google , type in my question and i get a bunch of answers !

  2. I think Google can be very helpful, but at the same time it can be really bad for you. For example, students aren't working as hard as they should be because they relie on Google. They don't put all their effort in because they know they can find all the answers on Google so they think, why should they put all their effort and do all the work that would take an hour, when they can work for 30 minutes and find the rest on Google. I still think they should be aloud to go on Google to get idea only if they put their resource and they change some things so it can be in their own words.


  3. Thank you Sam for reading my post and yes lots of people now a days use it for having trouble for homework and when they don" t know a question and they give you a bunch of information! Google can really help people now a days that’s why so many people use it and it’s one of the most used sites.

  4. Yes I strongly agree with you Mia about it's helpful and also that's is what I was trying to say in my blog is that kids are relying on it for answers all the time and do not do there work pretty much lets google do it for them and that won't always help them

  5. I think google is a very popular network used for multiple tasking and easy to use, its one of the things online that i use probably the most then any other network online. I strongly like the subject you brought. they have no competition really.é

  6. Yes that is why I have I ahve written this blog based on google because it's easy to use and very popular for many people out there, I also agree on how it's one of the most use also I mention that in my blog. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog

  7. Ive read a few of your blogs and your really good at describing them. I like to use google to solve my problems because it has every answer to anything but your right, you cant trust everything is says. You really have to search deeply to find exactly what you need.

  8. Thank you for reading my blogs Amad I try my best to descrisbe them well. Using google is a great tool on asking it question because it gives you lots of great information. But you are right google is not all the way right all the times that's why they give you diffrent sites to go on and if the same information comes on that is probaly because it's true

  9. my dear friend dersh, i really enjoyed your blog i learned a lot of very useful imformation, you should really continue making blogs and teaching people about social media.i use most of these websites so learning about them was very useful and interesting. thank you for posting these very nice blogs

  10. Well thank you make up hacks, I appreciate that comment that you have have me and I am glad I hear thy you have learned new things from my blog and I am glad that you did. I will try to keep on continuing on making good helpful blogs on social media
