Saturday 24 January 2015

A blog is a website that displays postings by one or more individuals in chronological order and usually has links to comments on specific postings.(;_ylt=A0LEV2BxIMNUQYMAJltx.9w4;_ylu=X3oDMTBsa3ZzMnBvBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw--?p=blog&.sep=) that is a Definition of a blog and today I will be talking about bloggers what I am using to make this blog. I have started using bloggers for my English class an I got I say it is a great social media site to release your knowledge and how you feel about a topic. Honestly you can learn lots about new things when people write blogs because they find some insider information and I love I learn news things about some topics. In my English class I 
Have foun out a lot about different topics from movies,make up, rap and much more. I believe that it's a great thing to use and you can really find out how people are just on how they put there opinion in there blogs. I strongly agree that bloggers is a great tool for an English class, because you can work on your opinion skills also your writing skill also. You can use bloggers if you already have a gmail account. If not you can make one and then go on bloggers an sign up. You can put a topic you will be talking about and then it an start up and blog about it. Honestly it was a good English task that we had and I believe thy English classes should use this more often. It really helps with your writing skills like I said earlier.... On bloggers if your friends have it you can make comments on there blogs to and they can make comments on your blogs also. Sometimes the comments they make can be very helpful. Well thank you for reading this blog and I hope you liked it 


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