Thursday 15 January 2015

 Vine is a hit on social media these days, vine has millions on the internet now a days. Vine is basically short videos of 6 seconds that could be in the categories: Animals, art DIY Family, food, Music and dance, News, places, Science and Tech, comedy, sports and style. It has tons of options when you join vine, it is a great past time, for laughter and interment. In my opinion vine is a great social Medias site to see new things and see unreal videos. But just like all the social media sites it has their cons also. In vine you can comment or message people on their and on Vines they’re lots of rude comments that are left on vine and it really hurts to see how some people can be so rude. To me vine shows me that even though you do something good and have done no harm you always have criticisms no matter what you do and people are just cruel. But yeah it has a lot of bad things there but vine gives you the opportunity to have fun and post stuff on what you like or to give someone a good laugh. You can also post your talents either it’s giving tips on stuff or your talents on singing, sports, cooking, your comedies. Vine is great way to get notice and get to do your own thing and makes you feel good knowing that you’re putting your idea out there. I love watching Vine for talents and highlight on sports because they play good music with it, that you can get on your phone. Also you can find out of more people in the world with great talent like I said earlier for sports cooking, giving tips and all…. Honestly Vine is a great past time. So if you want comedy, sports, and entertainments go get the vine app.



  1. I love vine its honestly one of the best apps ever created. You did a really good job explaining it ! Keep up the good work .

  2. Yes kenzie I agree with ou strongly, vine is a great app to use on pass time or when you're bored­. Vine is a great app and growing while the years past and great video that are captured, thankyou for reading my blog

  3. Vine has blown up in recent months and countinues to grow. You have very well explained why this app is so popular and how it has blown up. This app is great because the entainement is great and fast and it is a very creative way of film becuase of it's extreme short duration.

  4. i agree with the rude comments, but its mostly because people are jealous, the video probably offended them or they just hate the person who made the video, There is always a reason.

  5. I love vine and I think it's a great way to get noticed. There's many people who have became know because of it. Sadly, it does cause some controversy. Nash Grier once posted a vine using a gay slur and then said only gay people get HIV. But overall it's a great app when used properly. Great blog. :)

  6. I know that I myself use Vine quite a bit. I never thought about it like you explained it, thanks so much man, I'll be sure to stay caught up with the rest of your posts!

  7. Noah thank you for reading my vine, I try to explain different sides of what happened on vines and I am glad you can see the different point of view. I also use the app quite a bit and I also noticing different side also. I am glad and hope you keep on reading my blog.

  8. Hi Emily thank you for taking your time for reading my blog about vine. Yes that's what I try to put out there that vine gets you notice. But just like all social media sites you have to because artful what you do on it because you can have some controversy. Thank you again for reading my blogs hopefully you continue reading them!

  9. I agree with what you are saying, people say rude comments because thy get jealous of what that person talents are. You're also right about the offended part it has some vines out that some people think are funny but some people don't and get offended. Also there are just some nasty comments out there so some people are just not to nice.

  10. Yes Chris vine has blown up a lot from the past months and its a great social media site and it's a great social media site. That is also right vine gives us a bunch of entertainment and that's hat I was explaining in my blog thank you for reading my blog and hope you continue reading them thank you

  11. do it for the vine ! lol i use this alot and so des my brother, alot of funny loops and hits come from it and its a great way to have a good laugh. ive been using it since day one and too this day i still do, some of the vines are funny and always have been
