Thursday 11 December 2014

Hello again everyone, today I am going to talk about a social media site that a lot of people like to use and social media site is called YouTube. YouTube is a social media site that
the largest video sharing site on the Web. YouTube lets anyone upload short videos for private or public viewing. Founded in 2005 by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim, it was acquired by Google in 2006 for $1.65 billion. YouTube is another amazing Internet phenomenon with meteoric growth like, Yahoo, Google and Facebook. Within a couple years, more than 25 quadrillion bytes (petabytes) of videos were being streamed from the site each month.

YouTube provides a venue for sharing videos among friends and family as well as a showcase for new and experienced videographers. Featuring videos it considers entertaining (

As you can see YouTube is a great social media for sharing video’s with privately or across the world.  It’s a very well used social media site, but also can be very bad. Some people will post video and a lot of people will comment on it and they will anomaly leave a comment and they will leave a rude comment towards the video. Lots of people in the world like to hide behind the screen and say rude comments. To be honest that is the worst experience to have someone call you something and they don’t even know you. People judge because you are trying new. But it has lots good things a YouTube too. For example you can get paid to make your own YouTube video. This happens when you start to have a bunch of followers. Also people gives you video’s that will be helpful in life like motivational video how to do something. Also if you don’t know how to do something like math or something on your phone there is usually something to show you, so if you’re a visual learner you can learn by someone showing you.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Hello ladies and gens, today we’re going to talk about a social media site that lots of people like to enjoy posting picture. That social media site is called INSTAGRAM! Lots of young teen’s adults and even children like to post selfie and now older generation is doing it too time to time. This site will give you the opportunity to show your outer beauty to everyone one and see everyone else beauty. This also lets you share the activities, what you do etc.. Whatever you can take a picture of you can post it. You can also post a comment of a quote or something is on your mind with the picture, you also can put# that say something and then more than your followers can see that picture. Other people have the option to comment on your picture and also if you follow them and they follow you, you guys can message each other privately. Instagram has followers and people you can follow and you can get a double tap from people saying they like your picture. This app is a good one to past time and look what other people are doing. To be honest in my opining this great app but also is very bad for people. This gives people a mindset like I am not pretty or handsome because I don’t get a ton of likes or followers. Also lots of people get insecure even though they know there pretty if they get like 200 likes on 1 post and they post another one later and only have 150 likes people will repost the picture so they can get more likes than there previous or they feel like they look ugly in it. Also with comments lots of will comment from before but there wouldn’t be as much the next time and they feel ugly from that. All I have to say is this doesn’t define the beauty or internal beauty in you. Everyone is different and everyone has their own beauty. But instagram can share that too so it’s pretty good for that.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Well hello again today I am going to talk about a social media sites name Twitter. Twitter is very popular in the world. Lots of people use it Children teenagers adults grandparents celebrity's use it quite offended. Twitter is used to get stuff off your mind and write about it, when you write about it's called a ''tweet''.  people could retweet or favorite your tweet if he or she likes the tweet you have provided for them to see. Twitter has something that is called  ''followers''. This are people who would like to see what you tweet about or like teenagers like to do is follow them because they're ''Hot'' or if its someone popular. Twitter can also have lots of problem on it. People could start stuff like the call a ''sub tweet'' that's when someone tweets something about you. From my experiences on twitter I have whiteness some fights on twitter that have escalated at school a sports and ect... I know about 2-3 people who had gotten in big trouble from the school police or from sports teams because what they have said on twitter. You have to be careful because people you don't know can see what you tweet about and if you tweet your number on there what a lot of people do they can have that if you tweet what country or province you live in they now know that. People make these mistake all the time and they don't notice the risk they are putting there lives in. There is a private setting you could put on twitter that is a good tool to have, it aloud you to only accepted who follows you and I think its great to use if you have someone stocking you and looking at all your stuff. My friend had one incident with someone who he didn't know, because he had gotten in a argument with one of his friends and he tried contacting him on twitter so he had put himself on privates  and blocked him. He had be free from the harassment.  Twitter has all accounts on all types a things like for sports cooking jokes tv shows anything you name they probably have a twitter account on it. well that is all what I have for you today thank you for the time to read this I hope you liked it. -Dershahn

Monday 3 November 2014

Hey I am back to talk more about social media. Facebook is still used by millions of people now a days. It has gone not as popular that it was a few years ago because it has your social media sites nowadays. Has more adults using Facebook then younger people, Facebook is used almost every day by people. Facebook is used to message people talk about what's on your mind share photos Facebook is a great social media thing to use but it could also have a lot of problem. He has quite a few cyber bullying on it a lot of drama with start from Facebook. Even some people that committed suicide because of  the stuff that got posted on Facebook. You can get away with a lot of stuff on Facebook because not watched over and anybody could see it. A lot of people were hacking other people. I'm Facebook messaging people have been hacking other people is able to take their identity and message people without them knowing. I do not have the massager app because of that and when I do need to contact someone I will go on the computer and will message them. It's because of the great image people who you don't have the number and the live far away.  You could have great conversation with them we go talk about is the one on one message you can also have available time I have a group chat we would write whatever we want to say when the game is if you're ready to talk about anything makes you come. It has newscast you have Facebook so you can find lots of things about sports celebrities etc. anything you want me to find out. You can contact people now on Facebook from anywhere even on the other side of the world if they have Facebook you can reach me on it as a friend. On and off Facebook is a great and  negative thing also because it helps all of them but you got to be very careful what you do on Facebook because it could ruin you say so be careful

Friday 24 October 2014

Hello today I am going to talk about another socials media site called ''snapchat''. Snachat is an app that you could add your friends to take picture and write something, basically you are like the emoji in the message. Also you can take videos of what you’re doing. When you are snapchating you can send video and picture to any of your friends that you added on snapchat, or you can put it on your story. A story on snapchat is basically to show everyone what you’re doing either if it’s a photo or video, anyone of your friends can see it. Also has private conversation between one another on snpachat, like conversation with photos. If you do not want to send pictures you can create a conversation with the person or even face time them on snapchat. Snapchat gives you lots a ways to communicate with one another. However it also has events on snapchat in the story section, like for example the football games when it has a big game they will put a team’s name on the caption and people at the game, watching or even playing on the team can take a snapchat and put it in that story. Even though you have nothing a part to the events it will be there so you can look to see what happened and it will be random people that you don’t know taking picture. Snapchat is a great app to use it is really fun to use it with your friends and take photos and have a good time. You can send a picture for 1-10 seconds to a person, the people or person you have sent it to can only see it once but now they had put in a replay button so you can replay the snapchat if you didn’t get all of it. However even though they get deleted people are good with technologies and still get access to that photo so be wise what you send. Ladies and gentlemen be smart and don’t send anything you will regret in life, because people can still screenshot your photo. Thank you for reading my blog comment on how you liked it .


Monday 20 October 2014

Hello my fellow bloggers today I am going to talk about one of the best known sites Google. Google is a great site to use when it comes to something you do not know. Google can help you on how to cook something, help you with your history on people back in the day, how to do something, pretty much anything you ask google will basically find it. The one thing about Google is that it could have a lot of flues things on google, you can not trust everything it says but if you look and research you could find the right information. Google is great tool for people in school, it could help you when you don't understand something in one of your unites in school. But are kids abusing it? I believe that some kids do instead of kids reading a book they go on google and they ask for a summary of the book and don't put in the effort to read the books.They will not know how to read and also in chapter they will have new words and when your reading a book you're gonna have new knowledge. Some of the kids these days go on Google and copy paste and just put it on the plane piece of paper and say that they did it all by themselves instead of putting their own ideas on the paper. Because they think it's easier to use other people's work and do your own, and that's not right because they're letting like tackle  them and they're not tackling life. All and all Google is a great tool to use for information to know were to get to a destination, find recipe for cookie help you in homework. Google is like a teacher with you when you need something when your teacher does not know or when he or she is not there to help you. Google has other sites like Gmail, google+ etc..... well that is all for my blog today I really hope you had enjoyed it thank you

Friday 19 September 2014

Social Media

Social media is used everyday, you see children, teenagers, adults and some grandparents using it now a days. It has so many social media site in the world. It's crazy to see what is yet to come and be the next best thing. How ever, the sites that are the most popular in the world right now are as follow;- Facebook  with 900 million, - Twitter 310 million,  - Linked In with 255 million, - Interest with 250 million - Google+ with 120 million...this is the URL address from where I have received my statistics The real questions is if social media is taking over our lives... In my opinion, I believe that it will give you opportunity's and also lower your opportunity's. The reason why I believe that it could give you opportunity's in your life is because it could benefit you to get noticed for college and/or university, it helps people advertise for there job. Also it helps police track criminals across the world. When people are missing it helps get the word out if you've seen them or not, it helps you keep a social life with your friends and family who do not live close to you. It can help benefit for people that don't know the answer to something. Social media helps raise awareness for sickness. Social media helps you know the stuff you didn't know before and some stuff it helps you with . Also it can have some cons about social media. They have people who are good at hacking people on social media and there have a lot of people who are not good out there who can really hurt you in real life and find all your information and track you down and find you in real life.Cyberbullying can take place on social media sites such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and Instagram. I have heard of people getting in big trouble for bullying people on the web. You have to be careful on what you say on social media because if one day you go for a job and you had bully or got in a fight or used language that they do not like you won't get that job. Social media has lots of problems with cyber bullying, it has lots of death because people committing suicide because someone had post something and kept abusing them on social media . For example I have seen on the news about this girl named Amanda Todd who had took her own life because of the the stuff what have been posted on social media.  Its sad to hear that all everyone does is go on social media, no one goes outside a lot with there friends don't have conversation with there friends, some people don't even know how to interact with people in personnel because they are so use to talking to them behind a screen. Kids now a days only stay on social they don't even go outside really to play or go get there friends and go to the park, make up games play sports . I remember when i was younger I was outside doing whatever I could think of to stay outside and do activities. Now a days you hardly see kids running around at the parks with there friends , now a days there texting  each other when there beside each other hanging out or on there phone the hole time they're hanging out. Social media change us for the better but also for the worst . Written by Dershahn